will help you improve handling value, edge, and color in painting portraits and
figures. He will stress how to achieve specific painting effects by properly
applying paints and medium. He will
introduce his painting concepts to establish a general framework to guide the
entire painting process.
to 60 minutes lectures and 2 to 3 hours demonstrations will be done the first
two mornings, followed by students’ practicing concepts taught. Group or one-on-one
critique will be provided as well during the workshop.
Fongwei Liu
Portrait and clothed figure
-Beginner to Advanced
Date: November 22-24, 2013
Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm
(12pm to 1:00pm lunch break)
Patris Studio and Art Gallery
3460 2nd Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95817
Tuition: $360 (3 days) + model fee
Contact: Patris at artist_patris@yahoo.com