Portrait Painting
with the Zorn Palette
with Sarah Sedwick
(3-day workshop)
Friday - Sunday September 6-8, 2019
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
At Patris Studio 3460 2nd Ave. Sacramento, CA 95817
*** Join Oregon artist Sarah Sedwick for this fun and focused three-day workshop, painting the portrait from life. We’ll use the famous Zorn palette - three colors plus white - to create beautiful, naturalistic skin tones.
There are many benefits to using a limited palette, and the technique can be applied to any kind of painting you want to do - landscape, still life - even abstract!
The alla prima painting style, in which a work is begun and finished in one or two sittings, while the paint is still wet, is lots of fun and perfect for exploring the portrait in oils.
A combination of demonstrations, short exercises, and longer-duration paintings will familiarize you with Sarah’s approach to the portrait. Instruction will be in oils, but acrylics are also welcome. Beginning to advanced artists. Ages 15+.
3- Day Workshop Fee: $450 (includes all model fees)
$200 deposit holds your spot, Max 15 people
Includes: 18 hours of instruction in a beautiful studio, a full-color handout summarizing Sarah’s approach, free samples from M. Graham and Gamblin, plus a final critique with wine and munchies at the studio.
Checks made payable to Patris and sent to the studio address.