Tuesday, September 27, 2016

I watched from inside the Patris Studio as they put up the FOR SALE sign

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Go Fund Me is still trending "Save Patris Studio!"

Read the exciting updates and news by clicking on the link below to go to our Go Fund Me page.  

Please consider if you'd like to join us in supporting this campaign and join in the story that will be told in it's fullness once everything is finalized.

We are continuing to move forward and figure out how to bring this amazing story to it's complete grand finale!  Stay tuned for the gratitude party and come celebrate with us.  Date and time to be determined.

Here's a short video that so beautifully captures what Patris Studio and Gallery is about: artists, music, community, friendships, a place where people can connect with their creative side and with each other.

Paint and Sip: Dia de los Muertos Paint and Sip event

Paint and Sip: Dia de los Muertos Paint and Sip event: Click here to sign up and pay on eventbrite DATE AND TIME Thursday, October 20, 2016 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM LOCATION Patris St...

Ignat Ignatov Portrait Painting workshop this weekend

Setting up the studio in preparation for Ignat Ignatov's portrait painting demo.  His demo will kick off our 3-day alla prima portait painting workshop.  We are so excited to have this internationally known artist come up from LA to teach us!
Some of Ignat's demos are available for artists to see.  His amazing use of color, expressive brushwork, and technical skills combine together to create these gorgeous portraits.  His own DVD is available for purchase as well.
Some more examples of his demos for students to see and learn from.  This will be a fantastic 3 days of learning from such a highly accomplished artist. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Go Fund Me campaign "Save Patris Studio and Art Gallery" update

Check out the Sacramento Bee article that highlights the passion behind saving Patris Studio and Gallery

Click here to go to our Go Fund Me Account 

To help us buy the Patris Studio and Gallery
Thank you world for all your support!
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Good News!! The seller has agreed to let us purchase the building and so the Patris Studio and Gallery has survived!!! Last week I wondered how I'd be able to continue the good work we started here in Oak Park and on Sunday Sept. 4, people began showing up in my life - one by one -and together we made it happen.
Thank you to all of your support and generosity!

Now more than ever before, we invite you to share this story with your friends, family and colleagues, the world! We have closing costs, inspections, the list goes on and on. Your continued support and generosity will bring us closer to the victory lap and help us launch this new chapter for Northern California's premier art venue.

With a heart overflowing with gratitude, thanks again world for joining us in this amazing story.

Stay tuned for exciting details and more updates!