Here's to a new year and many more art filled days ahead of us!
Make art. Be art. Buy art.
view our latest newletter here:
The mission of Patris Studio and Art Gallery is to foster growth in the visual arts, provide a place for serious artists to work and connect with other artists, and enrich the community with programs of quality art education, art appreciation, and exhibitions.
Here's to a new year and many more art filled days ahead of us!
Make art. Be art. Buy art.
view our latest newletter here:
Here's a link to our latest newsletter. Check out all the happenings at the studio right here!
If you want to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, please contact us and we can add your name to our monthly eblast.
Join us for Online Portrait Drawing Classes with Patris in partnership with the Sacramento Fine Arts. Registration is handled through the SFAC. We will cover these 3 courses in the upcoming series:
Dynamic Head Poses
Portraits on Toned Paper
In this Beginning level 3-part classes, we will take a closer look at helpful proportional guidelines for establishing realistic portraiture, facial features and characteristics, and creating portrait drawings from photo references.
Oil Painting Workshop:
Alla Prima Figure and Portrait Painting
March 24 – 27, 2022
click here to download workshop flier
Time: 10 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Where: The Patris Studio and Gallery
3460 2nd Avenue, Sacramento, Ca 95817
Workshop Tuition: $600 (includes model fees)
What: This workshop is about painting the figure and portrait alla prima (wet into wet) and the techniques used to create a fresh, direct response to our subjects.
There will be painting demonstrations and lots of class time for students to work from a live figure and portrait model.
The class will work on a different painting/pose each day of the workshop and learn to simplify and interpret the figure/portrait as a series of basic shapes and planes described by light and shadow.
In addition to discussing technical concepts like value, color, paint application and basic proportions of the head and figure, we’ll also talk about some of the psychological aspects of learning to paint, such as giving ourselves permission to experiment and make mistakes so that we can learn and discover ways to become better, more creative artists.
This class will be particularly helpful for those who want to expand from a tight painting style, to a more loose, economical paint application.
Supply list: Click here to download the complete supply list or email Patris for the list.
For questions about registration and tuition payment, please email Patris at artist_patris at
Acceptable payments: Cash/check, Credit card, Venmo, Paypal. (Applicable processing fees apply.)
Registration and Cancellation policy: Click here for Registration/Cancellation Policy
Enrollment numbers: Minimum 10 and maximum 15 participants