ONLINE Beginning Workshop with Patris at the Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino CA
August 22 and 23, 2020
registration link here
Join Patris in this beautiful little village on the coast and indulge your inner artist for a weekend treat of "Landscpae Painting in Oils for Beginners" -- And all materials provided!
This workshop is in the studio and designed for beginning level artists who want to explore basic concepts of landscape painting using a limited palette of three to five colors, plus white. Topics include color mixing and theory, landscape composition and ideas, palette management, creating depth in the landscape, and use of painting materials for maximum effectiveness.

The workshop includes instructor demos, class exercises designed to build fundamental painting skills and concepts, guided practice and individual assistance. We will begin each day with a few painting exercises and then work on a landscape painting each day. Participants will have the opportunity to develop and finish one to two paintings over the course of the workshop.
All painting materials will be provided in this workshop.
Please see supply list for materials participants should bring as additional supplies for the class.