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Our Poet in Residence Mr. M reads a poem he wrote about our 2nd Saturday Art Walk. His art is the written word that he shares. |
is an awesome caliber are called
space. Any artists "equal" and "friend".
can find All are loved
his or her greatly and
cosmic place. without end.
3) Petite Bobbie 4) Blending, melding
Powell works and fusing, her
in charcoal simple paper
on paper comes to life,
with vast soul. almost mystically
5) Kindly Sally Gruber 6) Stately Kay Chesboro,
paints with oil, her medium is
carefully choosing acryilic. The souls
the blending of of the acrylic and
colors. It is a brilliant artist
loving toil. fuse as one.
7) Veteran artist, 8) Two Nubian sisters,
Dave Peterson, Aliyah and Joy,
fuses expo use colored
markers with pencils and paper.
water colors They gossip,
for his vision they giggle as
of the gathering. little girls do.
9) Michael Mithchell 10) Pencil and charcoal
and hisdaughter fuse to create
Autumn work the vision of
side by side. David King.
Autumn in pencil. He's the royal
Michael in master of his
water color. artistic domain.
11) Lovely Laura, 12) Larissa, Sam
a dear sweet and Clark are
lady, is the the Reggae band.
model. She Larissa is flute.
wears fur Sam is percussion.
trimmed clothes Clark is keyboard.
and reads letters. They are great.
13) A young Zulu 14) Patris is busy,
arrives on a flitting hither
skateboard. and yon, putting
He is Paris things in their
Johnson. His place. She is
medium is flusterd! She'd
pencil and pad. rather paint!
15) I am Marty, 16) My dad, Ed,
Patris' humble came to
poet. My art support me.
is words. Close I only hope
your eyes and my reading didn't
visualize what disappoint
I have written. the gathering.